Early Western Civilization

Traces the development of western civilization in 20 year time periods from 1050 to the present, in Europe and the New World.

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January 09, 2007

what are the signs of western civilization crisis?

Signs of reductions in democratic freedoms in order to cope with overpopulation and social tensions are already evident. Western governments and their enforcers are necessarily becoming as invasive and brutal as those of the regimes the immigrants escaped from.

The existence of increasingly generous welfare programs in western countries is creating another crisis. While western women practice birth control and either choose to remain childless or work hard 24/7 to give themselves and their 2.1 children a good life, the original welfare payment they were granted to encourage them to rear families is now being taken advantage of shamelessly by the new immigrants.

Not only are these new immigrants being paid welfare to have huge families, but they are also being paid not to work - a situation which attracts hoards of freeloading illegal immigrants claiming to be refugees.

The new ideals in respect of extensive human rights force western nations to be accepting of anyone claiming refuge for any reason - even as trivial as being vilified in another culture for being homosexual.

In that 99% of the non-western world can claim to be refugees, either fleeing oppressive regimes or economic disasters - it is only a matter of time before 99% of the non-Western world arrives at the West's front doors (but more likely the back doors).

Already, up to 50% of some apartment blocks, streets, workplaces and/or government departments are comprised of non-white immigrants. When it was 5% nobody noticed or good-naturedly accepted the non-white immigrants as 'cultural enrichment'. What percentage will it take before white Europeans realize that they have divested their children of jobs, homes and a unique culture?

Globalization is another new ideal that is undermining Western civilization. Helping third-world countries to help themselves is a good thing, but allowing global companies to practice off-shore job placement - ostensibly to ease unemployment in those countries but effectively to boost company profits and CEO salaries - is a sign of worsening job markets in western nations and a bigger divide between the haves and the have-nots.

Computerization of many industries has already made millions of western people redundant. There are not enough jobs for western populations let alone the rest of the world. With an increasing pool of jobless and casually employed people, the signs of increasing incidents of social unrest - crime and violence - are evident.

The streets are no longer safe to walk - especially for women - and there is no joy living in a western nation geared for mass consumption if you don't have a job paying a decent wage.

Other cultures, particularly the Islamic nations, do not want to be polluted with liberal western values through globalization. They see the new western civilization as a godless and impure society.

The Islamic nations protect their own cultures from being polluted with western values by isolation, and if that fails they then resort to acts of terror that are growing in number and severity in direct proportion to western pollution of their culture.

If 9/11 wasn't a sign that Western civilization has created more enemies than friends, then what more evidence is needed?

As all terrorists maintain - with a logic that is hard to refute - there is little difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter.

Western freedoms end at the point at which they infringe upon the freedoms of other cultures.

That point was reached long ago in respect of the Moslem world.

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