Early Western Civilization

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January 10, 2007

will immigration end western democracy?

When non-white immigrants and their descendants outnumber the white race in western countries - which they will do by 2200, if not long before - western civilization will necessarily be replaced with a New Order.

This New Order, of necessity, will be reminiscent of the brutal regimes from which the refugees originally escaped.

In effect, western nations will ultimately be forced to supplant democracy in favor of a more manageable way of controlling jobless, hungry, hopeless and uncontrollable immigrant populations.

Brutal dictators, similar to Saddam Hussein or Adolf Hitler, will necessarily rise to take control of western nations. It may seem ironic that America and its allies went to war to depose Saddam only to appoint someone like him to take charge in their own nations, but when civilizations evolve they do not necessarily evolve into progressive and happy societies.

They do what they need to do in order to survive, and if that means sacrificing half of an overpopulated country by introducing a deadly disease or a so-called natural disaster then so be it.

Throughout history, populations have been sacrificed for the so-called good of the nation - Coventry and Pearl Harbor are well known WWII sacrifices. In fact, some theorists insist that 9/11 was another sacrifice in that the American government knew it was coming, but failed to protect its citizens because it wanted to protect its information sources and also wanted an excuse for war.

Non-white immigrants will out-populate the white race because they do not practice birth control. They hold deeply ingrained views about large families being a protection against all ills. Somehow it escapes them that large families are the cause of all ills!

Overpopulation, resulting in constant war, abject poverty, disease, famine, unemployment and brutal regimes originally caused these people to leave their homelands in search of a new life, and when they unwittingly recreate the same conditions in the host western countries - which they will do - few people will have anywhere on planet Earth to escape to.

Not the white race, nor the non-white immigrants.

China forcibly instituted the one-child policy in order to save its civilization. If western civilization is to survive, it will need to institute similar drastic measures, but no politician elected by a multi-racial and multi-cultural voting population can possibly achieve this goal by transparent democratic means.

That's why a new autocratic regime will necessarily replace democracy when the homeland populations get out of control.

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