Early Western Civilization

Traces the development of western civilization in 20 year time periods from 1050 to the present, in Europe and the New World.

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October 04, 2011

the enemy within

Although admitting that there would be no western civilization had not the Greeks started the spread of the katholikos ethos of universal or global principles, Poppy believes that it is now being applied by enemies within our society to bring about our downfall.

“By far the greatest Greek influence has been Christianity – or the Catholic Church,” says Poppy. “When the apostles turned the exclusive Jewish sect of Jesus into a ‘katholikos’ or universal faith, they found ready adherents in Greece to spread the word to Rome via colonization, where it was eventually adopted by Constantine as the state religion of the empire, overruling all others.”

“Without colonization there is no spread of ideas,” says Poppy. “The katholikos ethos cannot work without massive movements of people from one area to another.’

“Trade and war spreads ideas but it takes colonization – the permanent settlement of new people – for the katholikos ethos to take root and create change.”

“That’s how western civilization spread from the old world to the new world,” says Poppy. “Had the Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, French and English just looted the new world without setting up colonies and moving their own people in, the Americas, southern Africa, Australia and New Zealand would still be in indigenous hands – speaking their old languages, worshipping their old gods and looking and behaving essentially as they had for millennia.”

"When I talk about our downfall - the end of western civilization – I do so in terms of the katholikos ethos applied by our enemies," says Poppy. "Who they are, I dare not say. But, it’s pretty obvious to me that they are within our governing bodies and they want to obliterate our language, our religion and our very essence by massive immigration of people who are unlike us in every conceivable way - but believe they worship the one true god in the one true way.”

“While I can appreciate that being obliterated or overwhelmed is a fate that befalls just about all indigenous populations,” says Poppy, “it is normally achieved by brute conquest and colonization of a weaker nation by a stronger one, and not by enemies within our government."

Read more by Poppy on this issue:

  • engineered demographics

  • the fate of indigenous populations

  • demographic engineering

  • religiously motivated wars

  • the curse of the katholikos ethos

  • katholikos is Greek for global

  • racism and the religious balance

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  • Civilization Timeline AD 1050-2009


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