Early Western Civilization

Traces the development of western civilization in 20 year time periods from 1050 to the present, in Europe and the New World.

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October 15, 2014

is being white the major criterion of western civilization?

Whatever political correctness dictates, being 'white' is seem by many as being the major criterion of Western civilization in much the same way that being 'yellow' remains the major criterion of Chinese civilization.

Starting with the granting of citizenship to non-white and largely non-Christian populations at end of the colonial era - and continuing with the granting of citizenship to a relentless influx of refugees from other non-white and non-Christian nations - western nations have experienced a dramatic ethnic and cultural change of their own volition, or more particularly that of their governments, that people from other civilizations find difficult to understand because it is not something they would do.

Western civilization is no longer distinguished by being ethnically white and culturally Christian, and this places it in a dilemma.

Unlike western civilization, the other civilizations - particularly the Chinese, Japanese-Korean and Indian civilizations - are based more on racial purity and racial superiority than anything else. Geography, language and customs do figure, but racial purity is the cement that glues these civilizations together and keeps them separate and distinct from other civilizations.

The Japanese, particularly, forbid citizenship to other races and so do several Islamic nations. They jealously protect their ethic and cultural traditions.

The new western civilization is now dramatically different in all respects from the old pre-1918 western civilization that it evolved from.

It can be argued that the western civilization of the expansionist colonization period was also dramatically different in all respects from the Dark Age civilization it evolved from, but there was no change in ethnicity or religion. Europeans may have flocked from the old world into the new worlds, but in that they took their ethnicity and religion with them they still considered themselves to be part of European western civilization.

They did not assimilate with, and become absorbed into, the indigenous populations. On the contrary, they retained both their European identity and their attachment to their mother countries, in much the same way as do non-white, non-Christian immigrants flocking into Europe today.

And that, unfortunately, makes mockery of the claims made by the multi-culturalists that being 'white' is not a major feature of European civilization. The immigrants are as proud of their color and culture as the Europeans are of theirs. In wanting to elevate their ethnicity over that of the Europeans, the immigrants are destroying what is unique about Europe.

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